Stonewall Anniversary – The story behind the origin of today’s Pride.

Did you know? The first pride was a rebellion. June 28, 1969 marks the day known as the “birth of Pride.” In case you’re wondering why, today we’re taking a trip into history, more specifically, to the 1960s in New York, USA. At the time, there were very few places where queer people could meet, but where police raids regularly took place. The bar “Stonewall Inn” in Greenwich Village was one of these places; on June 28, 1969, one ofContinue reading “Stonewall Anniversary – The story behind the origin of today’s Pride.”

Lesbian Visibility Week

As part of Lesbian Visibility Week, which runs from April 24 to April 30, we published an info series on social media. Now you can read the most important information about lesbian identity here as well. What does “lesbian?” mean? – Meaning and history of the flags Lesbian refers to women* who are attracted to other women* or to non-binary persons who identify with femininity. Accordingly, non-binary persons can also identify as lesbian. You’ve probably seen several versions of theContinue reading “Lesbian Visibility Week”

Lovely aromantic – Report

On February 14, 2022, in cooperation with Queer Campus, OvGU Pride and CSD Magdeburg e. V., a Valentine’s Day action took place at the station forecourt. On the occasion of the Aromantic Awareness Week in the following week (February 20-26), we from Queer Campus and OvGU Pride addressed the topic of aromanticity and thus offered visitors to our booth a different perspective on love and romance that deviated from the social norm. Since the label “aromantic” is a comparatively smallContinue reading “Lovely aromantic – Report”

Pride in Magdeburg 2022

No event of the year creates as much reach and visibility for the queer community as the demonstration of Christopher Street Day e. V.’s in Magdeburg. As queer students, we were also aware of this and therefore started planning our project several months in advance. Already at the beginning of the year the idea came up to rent an own float at the CSD and to represent the student body of the university and college with it. This turned outContinue reading “Pride in Magdeburg 2022”