CSD Gala – Report

On March 25, 2022, the CSD Magdeburg in cooperation with the CSD Saxony-Anhalt organized a gala in Magdeburg, to which we were invited as members of the Queer Campus. The CSD Gala was on this day an event where many different queer associations and actors could exchange with each other; in addition, there was an extensive stage program. On the one hand, the queer commissioner Sven Lehmann was represented, but also the candidates for the mayoral election in Magdeburg onContinue reading “CSD Gala – Report”

OvGU blocks Opera Square – Report

Every year in January, the so-called “Funeral March” takes place, on the occasion of the bombing of Magdeburg in World War II. A day that neo-Nazis and fascists use to reinterpret history and spread their inhuman ideology. Not with us! We from Queer Campus have clearly spoken out against this and organized a meeting on Opernplatz. Because the university is a place of tolerance, acceptance, cosmopolitanism and humanity and it offers no place for fascism and neo-Nazism. Such values haveContinue reading “OvGU blocks Opera Square – Report”

A_sexuality – Things to know in the context of Asexual Awareness Week

Asexual Awareness Week takes place from October 23rd to 29th! In this article we have summarized everything important about this topic for you. What is A_sexuality? The term a_sexual describes a person who feels little to no sexual attraction to others. It can also mean that someone does not seek or have a desire for sexual relations, but this need not always be the case for everyone. Nonetheless, a_sexual people may experience other forms of attraction, such as romantic, aesthetic,Continue reading “A_sexuality – Things to know in the context of Asexual Awareness Week”

Aromantic – everything important about the topic

The Aromantic Awareness Week takes place from February 19th to 25th! In this article we have summarized everything important about this topic for you. Basics aromantic People who are aromantic (aro for short) feel no, little, intermittent and / or romantic attraction to other people only under certain circumstances. Aromantic here refers to a spectrum that describes different life realities and experiences. The opposite of aromantic is alloromantic: people who generally feel romantic attraction without restrictions, i.e., fall in love,Continue reading “Aromantic – everything important about the topic”